About Us

About Us


Rohit’s journey exemplifies perseverance and the pursuit of dreams. Starting in 2007 as a college student working long hours as a tractor driver to support his family, Rohit was inspired by his surroundings to innovate in agricultural tools. Despite financial struggles, his father sold their family land in 2011, providing Rohit with ₹300,000 to start his own venture, Sevagiri Engineering. From a humble beginning with just one worker, Rohit expanded his company through dedication and quality, transforming it into a global player in agricultural equipment, exporting to countries like Tanzania and eyeing new markets in Angola, Romania, and South Africa


Rohit’s Rise: From Fields to Engineering Success

Rohit’s journey is a powerful testament to perseverance, passion, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. In 2007, while attending college, Rohit spent his days behind the wheel of a tractor, working long hours—sometimes 16 to 18 hours a day. For many, this would have been a grueling task, but for Rohit, it was a labor of love. With his family’s financial struggles weighing heavily on him, Rohit lived with his uncle, as his father—a hardworking farmer with limited land—struggled to make ends meet.

Despite the hardships, Rohit found inspiration in the fields. As he worked tirelessly, he developed a keen interest in improving agricultural tools. This spark of passion ignited a fire within him, driving him to transition from tractor driving to working in a company that manufactured agricultural equipment. Over the next 3 to 4 years, Rohit immersed himself in the industry, mastering the intricacies of agricultural machinery and laying the groundwork for his future success.

Yet, Rohit’s ambitions extended far beyond the factory floor. He dreamed of building something of his own, but the path to entrepreneurship was fraught with obstacles. The most significant of these was the lack of capital. However, Rohit’s unwavering determination inspired his father to make a life-changing decision. In 2011, his father sold the family’s land—a sacrifice born of love and belief in his son’s vision—and provided Rohit with ₹300,000 (approximately $3,600 USD) to start his own venture.


With this modest sum, Rohit launched Sevagiri Engineering in a small space provided by his uncle. In the beginning, it was just Rohit and one worker, toiling day and night to bring their vision to life. Despite the challenges, their commitment and quality craftsmanship quickly won over customers. Positive responses poured in, and demand for their products grew steadily. Rohit’s tiny operation began to expand, but with growth came new challenges—space constraints and an overwhelming workload.

Today, Sevagiri Engineering stands as a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and an unyielding belief in one’s dreams. What started with a ₹300,000 investment has blossomed into a thriving enterprise with a capital of ₹10 crore (approximately $1.2 million USD). Rohit’s rise from a tractor driver to the leader of a successful engineering company is more than just a business success story—it’s a story of resilience, innovation, and the transformative power of dreams.

Sevagiri Engineering is not just a company; it’s a global player in the agricultural equipment industry. Currently exporting to Tanzania, Rohit’s company is making its mark on the international stage. And with a strategic collaboration with eMissionMiracles.com, they are poised to explore new markets in Angola, Romania, South Africa, and beyond. Rohit’s vision is taking Sevagiri Engineering into the global arena, ensuring that the company’s legacy of quality and innovation continues to inspire and impact lives across continents.


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Year of experience


Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

We prioritize eco-friendly practices in all our processes, from design to production.

We Follow Best Practices

At Sevagiri, we are committed to excellence in every aspect of our work. Our approach is guided by principles that ensure quality, efficiency, and sustainability.

Our Vision

To be a global leader in agricultural engineering, empowering farmers with innovative, high-quality solutions that enhance productivity and sustainability across the world.

Our Mission

At Sevagiri Engineering, our mission is to design, manufacture, and deliver cutting-edge agricultural equipment that meets the evolving needs of farmers. We are committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, driving growth and success for our clients while expanding our presence in international markets.

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